Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Having spent years and years trying to acquire even small moments of peace, I have finally reached some. And it is completely worth whatever grueling and tortuous experiences necessary. I have acquired some consistency in it and it is incredible to truly sit in a calm that will no longer be shaken by your external world. Every moment of grief I have experienced has brought me to this place of pure gratitude for life and the lives of others. Acceptance brews deep and tolerance seen as the depth of beauty. Stay the course even if it feels hopeless, even if you have tried everything. No matter how messy, the truth inside love and the peace that love creates is what is real and what truly matters.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Seeing and understanding your impact in the lives of others can give you deeper insight into who you are.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

FOCUS discipline is compassion

Staying on path without distraction seems to be about the most challenging thing ever. Walking forward with ease is essential. Does it exist? Is it real? Is it possible? How do you serve love in a world that wants proof first? Let go and let go again. Stop chasing. STOP. Give to yourself the gift of allowing the right things to gently fall into your world. Understand that there is no need to hold on or hold back. Distractions come and go and the real deal stays through the chaos of the distraction. As you practice, the distractions will be seen at the beginning instead of the end. What is truly meant for you is always there so there is no need to chase it down and control it. You will see it, feel it, and breathe as you are ready to realize more of who you are. Focus comes with staying in the moment and giving yourself the space to pause and experience your true self in all situations.

Ease exists when you allow it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Its time to take action! Be bright. We are having fun.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Experience The Path

Expectations are limitations.

Un-attachment is not detachment.

Conditional living leads to resentment.

Unconditional self-love is happiness.

Slowing down dilutes control.


Remember the value of patience and its ability to create loving synergy. Allow for those moments of meaningful synthesis by slowing down and choosing to be present. Life is extremely precious, be in it. Let the drama subside and believe in calm. You don't need to choose sides, either yours or another's. Love exists on all sides and in all perspectives.

Pause and find the love in each situation.

Creating is Healing

Pure art is without ego and with the integrity of self-love and its peace. Strip away self-importance and the need for external validation and CREATE.

Honor a Child Today

Children are the wisdom of the planet. Allow them to teach you by softening your armor and breathing in their smile.

Life is a Series of Maneuvers

Erase thought and retrace experience.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Stop! Re-evaluate and Go!

Seriously, are you having fun yet?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


It has taken me what seems like forever to allow my relationship to be the love I needed it to be. It is so much easier to blame another for not listening as you clearly do not listen. It is amazing how hidden our deep agenda of sabotage can be and how it can breathe deep into all of our relationships. My husband is my teacher of boundaries and self-love; never easy lessons but beautiful ones. Jeremy consistently gives me the space to express my gift in its everyday full potential when I choose it. That is the key when I /we choose it. It is incredible how much we fear to open up and let our intimate partner be who we need them to be for our best self to step forward. We complain and speak of what they are not doing and keep building expectations of what we cannot seem to give to our selves. Either way he keeps showing up with an open heart giving me to ability to keep growing in releasing the fear that can shadow through and into as we walk into deeper shades of love and happiness.

Intimacy challenges one to experience power and openness. Its kindness and devotion to consistent health allows us to turn insecurity and confusion into clarity and intolerance into self-love. Developing deeper intimacy is a pathway into the core creating a foundation of strength, endurance, and perseverance. And you can only walk away feeling lighter and clearer.

Be fearless and run into love not away from it and experience the reward of being alive.

Just a Thought

There is hope and peace is possible. The help you need is inside and within reach.