Sunday, June 15, 2008

Experience The Path

Expectations are limitations.

Un-attachment is not detachment.

Conditional living leads to resentment.

Unconditional self-love is happiness.

Slowing down dilutes control.


Remember the value of patience and its ability to create loving synergy. Allow for those moments of meaningful synthesis by slowing down and choosing to be present. Life is extremely precious, be in it. Let the drama subside and believe in calm. You don't need to choose sides, either yours or another's. Love exists on all sides and in all perspectives.

Pause and find the love in each situation.

Creating is Healing

Pure art is without ego and with the integrity of self-love and its peace. Strip away self-importance and the need for external validation and CREATE.

Honor a Child Today

Children are the wisdom of the planet. Allow them to teach you by softening your armor and breathing in their smile.

Life is a Series of Maneuvers

Erase thought and retrace experience.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Stop! Re-evaluate and Go!

Seriously, are you having fun yet?