Wednesday, September 17, 2008

FOCUS discipline is compassion

Staying on path without distraction seems to be about the most challenging thing ever. Walking forward with ease is essential. Does it exist? Is it real? Is it possible? How do you serve love in a world that wants proof first? Let go and let go again. Stop chasing. STOP. Give to yourself the gift of allowing the right things to gently fall into your world. Understand that there is no need to hold on or hold back. Distractions come and go and the real deal stays through the chaos of the distraction. As you practice, the distractions will be seen at the beginning instead of the end. What is truly meant for you is always there so there is no need to chase it down and control it. You will see it, feel it, and breathe as you are ready to realize more of who you are. Focus comes with staying in the moment and giving yourself the space to pause and experience your true self in all situations.

Ease exists when you allow it.

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